How Farming Practices Could Save the Planet
Regenerative agriculture seems to be popping up more and more. So, what's all the buzz about? Simply put, regenerative agriculture focuses on soil health in order to reduce carbon emissions. Healthy soils that do not feel the harsh blades of tillage are able to sequester carbon in our enviroment. The United Nations believes adopting these practices could offset total global emissions by 10 percent, which is significant!
You might be wondering how this is possible. Soil that has been undisturbed already contains carbon and microbes. Once the soil has been worked such as using tillage the carbon is released into the air. I often tell people I am a soil farmer. My goal is to rebuild the soil by increasing the organic matter that will effectivly store more water and draw carbon out of the atmosphere. But regenerative agriculture is more than just that...
Diffuser blends to set intention in the new decade!
It's an exciting time of year as everyone begins to look toward the future and set their intentions for the new year. Some like to call them resolutions, but I have never felt good about using that term. Instead I like to sit and meditate during the week after Christmas. This is a good time for me to visualize and set goals. I begin to form a mental picture of what the new year will look like for me personally, with our farm, and our family. I always add essential oils to my routine, whether it be for a specifc meditation or for an intentionial daily support we need.
This new years eve also brings a new decade. What a wonderful new beginning! With all the excitement I decided to sit down and create six special diffuser blends for the new decade! Bring on 2020! Gifts for every budget that any homesteader would love to open Christmas morning!Every November the Christmas scramble begins. We start to think about loved ones and what they might appreciate come Christmas morning. As a homesteading mama, I have several wishlist items I'm hoping for! Cross my fingers that Santa will be generous this year! If you are a fellow homesteader and you don't know what to ask for this Christmas, then keep reading! You are sure to be inspired. Or maybe you have a homesteader in the family and you can't seem to find the perfect gift. My wishlist will start you in the right direction. I have compiled a Christmas list for all types of homesteaders and all budgets. Some of these items I already own, love and use and some items I have had my eye on for some time. Using simple ingredients and basic techniques, you can enjoy homemade sausage in your next meal
Farm husband and I took our oldest son out hunting this past weekend. We used to hunt regularly but once we began building our home two years ago, we haven't had the time. Hunting is something we both enjoy doing and has been a part of our lives since we first met. There is a huge sense of pride to harvest an animal and "bring home the bacon" to your family.
This fall was my first ever antelope hunt. Antelope are not very large creatures and I have heard mixed things as far as taste goes. With a freezer newly stocked in beef, I decided to give sausage making a try! I was always intimidated by the process, but I found it to be quite simple once I decided which blends we would try! How to keep Real Wood floors clean and shiny without nasty chemicals
When we moved into the farmhouse it was the first time I had real wood floors! We had laminate in the old house and I successfully cleaned them with my steam mop. I knew steam would not be a wood friendly routine so I started looking around for a new routine. Time and again I was faced with the latest and greatest products, chock full of chemicals that would disrupt hormone function, add to indoor air pollution among other things! I set out to create my own line of wood floor cleaners that would be super easy to make and use, sans harsh chemicals.
AuthorFrancesca, wife and mother of three, eagerly shares day-to-day life on her ten acre farm in northern Colorado. Categories
March 2023